Volcanic Fractal

The Grawl are kidnapping people to sacrifice - save them before they get thrown into the active volcano

The Volcanic Fractal is very often a new players first experience with Fractals and its a good way to test the waters. This one will have a few fun mechanics and is great for teaching people what to get ready for

Entrance / Tunnel


When you start you will see a small cutscene of Grawl sacrificing a few people by throwing them into the volcano. Just kill the group, and survive the rest of the adds that spawn.

After you will head down a tunnel with Molten Boulders chasing after you, if they touch you, you will go down. Outrun these using speed boosts and watching behind yourself, you will reach a safe spot near a Mistlock Singularity, you can wait here for your team to catch up.

Champion Grawl Shaman

When you enter the room with the Champion Grawl Shaman you will see multiple human NPC's chained up, and the Shaman up on a pedestal in a shield. You will need to keep the NPC's alive by preventing any of the adds from getting to them, and throw the rocks that fall from the ceiling at the shaman to break his shield. If all of the human NPC's die it will be a wipe so have one or two people do rocks and the rest protect. Once the shield is down you should be able to burn the shaman most of the way, and even when his shield goes up he will still be vulnerable to damage.


When he gets low enough he will simply run away and jump off the edge.

Continue down the path of broken rails, you can ignore all enemies in here and just run to the end. Be careful not to fall in, there is one particular spot right as you come into the boss room that many players fall into

Legendary Imbued Shaman


This is the final fight of the Fractal, you will notice several more Human NPC's stationed around the arena, and the Legendary Imbued Shaman. The floor in here will damage you if you stand still so keep moving to prevent unnecessary damage, watch for the darker areas on the map that look like small craters, they will fill with lava and cause damage.

Every time the boss loses 25% health he will put on a shield and stop taking damage, this shield has 40 stacks, You will need to break this shield before he gets to one of the human NPC's or he will heal up 25% health, making this very difficult. Damage doesn't matter here, just more speed of attacks so unload as man hits as you can.

Most of the attacks will cause burning so I suggest newer players be prepared to condi cleanse themselves and their teams

Achievement - Volcanic Fractal Stabilizer
5 AP
You've completed the Volcanic Fractal inside the Fractals of the Mists

Achievement - Volcano Hero
5 AP
Defeat the Imbued Shaman on scale 51 or above without losing any captives

Achievement - The Floor Is Lava. Don't Step In It.
1 Mastery Point / 5 AP
You've completed the Volcanic fractal inside the Fractals of the Mists without falling in the lava

Extra Achievements

Achievement - Nevermore IV: The Raven Spirit
Ancient Grawl Relic
Found in the Volcanic Fractal chest at the end

Achievement - Astralaria III: The Mechanism
Fire Imbued Heart
Found in the Volcanic Fractal chest at the end with the Mists Imbued Jar in your inventory

Achievement - Sunrise I: The Experimental Daysword
Sacrifice Savior
Save the captives from sacrifice and defeat the grawl shaman in the Volcanic Fractal

Achievement - The Flameseeker Prophecies III: The Chosen
Rescuing the Sacrifices
Bring an Anthology of Heroes to the defeat of the Grawl Shaman in the Volcanic Fractal

Achievement - Meteorlogicus III: Storm
Ritual Captivity
Rescuing the captives in the Volcanic Fractal before the Grawl Shaman sacrifices them

Achievement - Quip I: The Experimental Pistol
Birding with the Grawl Shaman
Throw a Jar of Harpy Pheromones at the Champion Grawl Shaman in the Volcanic Fractal

Achievement - Incinerator III: Spark
Cryo Dust
Use the Boiling-Hot Magma in the Volcanic Fractal to blend 10 Piles of Bloodstone Dust with a Corrupted Ice Shard to form Cryo Dust

Achievement - Ad Infinitum III: Unbound
Volcanic Challenge Mote
Complete the Volcanic Challenge in the core tier (scale 21-50)! Beat the grawl shaman with an 80% reduction to all healing!

Achievement - Ad Infinitum I: Finite Result
Burning Frozen Core
Obtain the Gigantic Ice Elemental Core from the remains of the giant ice elemental in Wayfarer Foothills. Bring it to the heart of the volcano core inside the Fractals of the Mists and imbue it in the lava

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