Shattered Observatory Fractal

Visit a familiar locale, twisted by the tides of time

The conclusion to Arkk's story and what he had to go through to get here. The Shattered Observatory is very interesting to explore and see what time has done to our Fractal Hub and the familiarities you'll find if you have access to Mistlock Sanctuary

Skorvald the Shattered


After jumping down a few platforms you will see a large glowing orb in the air, Skorvald the Shattered will emerge from here.

Skorvald will do large cone AoE skills that cover 25% - 50% - 75% of the arena coming from the center, move into a non marked area to dodge this. He will also drop red ball AoE that multiplies and splits, and leaves a lingering red AoE marker.

He will cover majority of the map for a large AoE and you will need to stack behind him to dodge this.

After you get him down to 50% he will start to spawn Solar Blooms, which are very easy to deal with, all you need to do it hit them with a ranged attack to push them far away from your team.

When you get him to 66% and 33% he will become invulnerable and you will have to ride the updraft on the east side of the arena and kill the Veteran Flux Anomaly - watch for knockbacks. After defeating it hurry and take the next updraft as Skorvald will use firey attacks on the island once cleared, circle through all 4 islands until you are brought back to the main arena

Higher Tier - At higher tiers, when below 66% Shorvald will teleport to one side of the arena and a big eye icon will appear above his head with a blue line connecting it to your character if you face towards him - turn your back to him, or the eye will damage and fear you

Involuntary retreat; unable to act; stacks duration.

Achievement - In Bloom
5 AP
Defeat Skorvald the Shattered without being hit by a Solar Bloom explosion

Mistlock Area

After beating Skorvald you will need to take the portal that appears, there will be a quick cutscene and youll be inside a area similar to Mistlock Sanctuary. You will now have Cosmic Energy and a Special Action Key (SAK) called Nova Launch, there is three portals in this area, the North portal will take you to the islands with Simon, so unless you are working on the Hungry Cat Scavenger Hunt you will not need to go this way.

The South portal will take you on to where you need to go. Destroy the golems and take the updraft, once up top you will fight a larger golem, kill it and move to the next step. After defeating the golems you will notice a blue orb called globolla marble will start falling periodically with a large blue AoE marker under it. You will need to stand in the parkers and bounce the ball around the platform and up on the ledge above. When it reaches the end another updraft will spawn.

On the next island kill the golem adds and move on to the next boss

Achievement - Playing for Keeps
3 AP
Bounce a single globolla marble on your head eight times in a row

Achievement - Extracurricular Studies of the Astral Kind
3 AP / Data Key Log: Extracurricular Studies
Discover The Truth Collect all 5 Data Disks
See map below


To reach the boss arena you will use your SAK and launch yourself over, you will see Viirastra and her clones playing, just bounch one of her marbles to start the fight. She will do three attacks that release shockwaves through the arena. She will teleport to a corner and start placing numerous AoE marker this is the start of phase 1

Corporeal Reassignment - When the fight starts she will have a variety of mechanics to watch for, one that can cause a wipe is the read marker above a players head. Whoever receives this marker will need to move immediately to the barrier in the middle of the room (you can use the SAK to make this very quickly)

Shockwaves - Viirastra will do three attacks and jump around, slamming into the ground causing shockwaves, these shockwaves will apply Agony and knockback, like most shockwaves you can jump over them if you time it, didge through them or Aegis/Block them

AoE Circles - Viirastra will spread AoE's across the floor regularily

Clones - Viirastra will spawn mesmer clones, they will be elite enemies, which when defeated split into three veterans, than into regular clones. These do need to be taken care of as they will cause heavy damage.

She will occasionally teleport to a new corner and repeat the above mechanics

When she reaches 66% health she will split and put a clone in each corner, the way to dispatch them is to break they bear using CC skills. Any player that gets downed during this phase will be revived after all four are dealt with. After this you will be into phase 2 which adds new mechanics

Marbles - Viirastra will spawn a mable/orb that you must bounce back at her to stop, each bounce will refresh your SAK. If you fail this mechanic you will spawn Red Marbles which cause conditions on players. 1 - 2 players can easily handle the marbles phase, its good to have two just in case one needs to go to the barrier with a bomb


After bouncing a marble back to her her break bar will open up and this is a good time to get some damage in after braking it.

When she reaches 33% health she will split again, but this time there will be five - one in each corner again and one in the middle. The middle is to be ignored, but it will throw out orbs, and summon AoE's. After this clones will spawn more often.

After winning the fight your SAK will change to Hypernova Launch - return to the portal room and head into the western portal



Use your SAK to reach the last boss arena. The edges will be electrified at the start with a large Reactor in each corner, to start the actual fight you need to destroy the reactors by pushing a Solar Bloom into each one.

When they are all down Arkk will fire a laser through the middle of the platform that causes large amounts of damage.

You will see mechanics similar to ones you have previously dealt with, such as the Bomb/Barrier dome, one player will get a marker above their head and must bring it into the barrier area, the SAK will help here to get around.

Arkk will also focus one target with a large cone shaped AoE, run away from the team and drop it on the opposite side, he will stop moving it a few seconds prior to it firing off. It will be red splashes along the ground. He will also periodically spread cones in front of him, than all around, with gaps in-between which you can use to dodge this.

You will also see an eye icon appear above Arkk's head that is a sign you need to turn your back towards him or be feared, which can make you run off the edge.


Red Orb - A Red orb will appear above Arkks head and it will go towards a player and leave red AoE pads under it each time it bounces (Similar to Skorvald fight but without the splitting)

Solar Blooms/Reactors - At 80%/50%/30% solar blooms will spawn with a fixation on a player, to take care of this part you need to knock each sun bloom into each of the four corner reactors, doing so will take the reactor down and remove the solar bloom - this is the same mechanic you had to do to start the fight. During this phase Arkk will be powering up a room wide AoE, once the reactors are down it will cancel. If Arkk's big attack charges the whole way all remaining Solar Blooms will blow up and Arkk will do a large amount of damage (this can be blocked). New Solar Blooms will spawn and you must take out the reactors to move on.

After the reactors are down you can break Arkks defiance bar. you will need to do this to avoid a large attack hitting the team.

Archdiviner - At 70% Arkk will teleport away and summon the Archdiviner and four Fanatics. Kill the smaller adds because they do not de-spawn, so if you leave them you may need to deal with them when Arkk returns, after defeating the Archdiviner. Arkk will still keep attacking from the sides of the platform, so watch for his laser beam AoE's

When Arkk gets down to 70% he will start to spawn a ring around him that spreads out in segments, you can dodge through them while they are channeling, or block them.

Brazen Gladiator - Just like the Archdiviner at 40% the Brazen Gladiator will spawn with four of the Kitty Golems - same as before, kill the smaller adds first than deal with the elite. The Brazen Gladiator will use shaockwaves, but you can just jump over them. He will do his big pull attack from the Chaos Fractal, make sure to break his bar to interrupt this

After Arkk returns below 40% some of the platforms will fall out and if you fall you will need to use the SAK to land safely on the platform again, you will die if you miss this. You will have to deal with red marbles being rolled across, these are marked with red arrows.

At 30% you will have your last reactor phase, get this done and burn Arkk down to finish this fractal!

Achievement - Be Reactive
3 AP
Defeat the mastermind (Arkk) in the Shattered Observatory while all the reactors are active

Achievement - Blinded with Science
3 AP
Vaporize yourself in the mastermind's (Arkk) projection beam before the fight begins
Stand in the red AoE that Arkk spawns at the beginning of the fight. Note that it will only occur once, even if you wipe and reset.

Hidden Achievement - Live Wire
0 AP
Suffer the shocking fate of curiosity
Jump off Arkk's platform and when you are teleported above the arena falling use Hypernova Launch to land on top of one of the reactors in the corners. you can do this achievement after the boss fight is over, as it will kill you.

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