Thaumanova Reactor Fractal

"You're in. And, apparently, you're Inquest. Don't let that throw you, though. You're still basically you"

In the Thaumanova Reactor you get a bit of freedom in how you choose to clear it. There are multiple areas that all need to be finished, which one you do first is up to you!

Starting Room / Elite Flame Legion Fire Shaman

When you start this Fractal you will be turned into little itty bitty Asuran Inquest, and will be inside a room with bombs, detonate them and run out and up the stairs.


Take the first left heading towards the center of the room and run around the circle half way, that is where you will find a portal and the Elite Flame Legion Shaman.

Once you kill him you can go to four separate rooms to clear - I suggest leaving the Cooling Chamber for last due to the Cooling Rods you get along the way

It is possible to do the Cooling Chamber completely without any cooling rods if you have the right build/team

Champion Subject 6

Champion Subject 6 is a mini boss in the north side of the map. When you approach the north room there will be some dialog before they sacrifice a inquest to their experiment which results with Subject 6 coming out.

He will be stationary in the middle of the room and will have two main forms - a shield form and regular. There will be small blue oozes that will heal him if they get to the center, but they are fairly easy to kill and are susceptible to hard CC abilities. At higher tiers there will be Veteran Ooze that will spawn every 25% health and heals Subject 6 for 25% health. These are going to need to be dealt with, you can CC them to stun them, and use immobilization to stop them in place. If Subject 6 heals over the 25%/50%/75% thresh hold these will respawn when it hits that amount again.

Regular Form - In his standard form he will attack, spin and send out poison globs around the room. This will be when his Defiance Bar is breakable, and when you should be damaging him.

Shield Form - When Subject 6 turns into a shield/satellite/dome shape, stop all damage and focus on the blue adds while you wait. If you hit him while in shield form he will gain stacks of Overload so turn off auto attack or turn your back to the center of the room - if he reaches 20 stacks he will overload and do large amounts of damage to the whole party.

After finishing the fight grab the cooling rod and bring it with you

Achievement - Subject 6 Deep-Sixer
1 Core Mastery Point / 5 AP
Defeat Subject 6 after causing it to gain maximum stacks of overcharge possible without exploding
You will need to attack Subject 6 in Shield form up to 19 Stacks of Overload, but not go over that


In this room you need to break down doors and rescue the Asura inside. A few of the rooms will have portals inside that need to be eliminated before it counts the Asura as freed


If you rescue all the lab members will apply Destabilized to the Thaumanova Anomaly

Grab the cooling rod and bring it with you


When you enter this room you will see Safety Shields that can be used to help you navigate the maze. It will offer you a skill that absorbs one of the electric waves from the turrets.

When you enter the maze there will be electric turrets shooting single waves at you you can dodge these, or absorb them with the shields and move through. There will also be Golem Sentries that are roaming around, if you step into their orange AoE you they will fixate on you, you can lose them by hitting it with the second skill on the shield Repulsor Shot

To complete this section you will need three - four players, one will have to head to Button 1, one will head to Button 2, and one - two will need to go to Button 3. you have to press 1 to open the room for 2, and you need to press 2 to open the way for 3.


The reason you need one - two players for #3 is that there is two switch's that need to be triggered, and each one will immobilize you, you can get past this with one player if they have a teleport/blink or use Stability to remove the debuff. You can also try to position yourself directly in-between the two and can manually click on each one

Take the cooling rod and head back to the entrance

Cooling Chamber

The cooling chamber is generally done last because the main mechanic requires you to use the cooling rods to get through the room. By this part you should have three rods, one from each room prior.

The way to do this is three people will run in each holding a cooling rod with two skills that replace your main weapon bar but not your utility skills. Spam skill 1 which is a sprint ability to get to the next spot, every time a player puts a cooling rod into the receptacle it will create a safe spot/cool dome, you can wait here before running to the next one, you will repeat this three times Alternatively this is skippable if you have someone with enough utility, and the ability to teleport. You can blink/teleport your way through right to the end and finish it off.

Skills like Necromancers Shrouds can be use to survive the run straight to the end, or Engineers Rocket Boots to dash large segments at once if you plan to use the skip method

Thaumanova Anomaly

After clearing all the rooms above you will need to go to a control console in the middle of the map, you will briefly see Scarlet there but you need to interact with the control panel and be teleported up above on a floating platform where you will see the Thaumanova Anomaly

When you get to the floating arena you will have a Special Action Key (SAK) called Hex Shield - this skill will allow you to stop a tile from falling.


If you look at the floor here you will see its set up as tiles, these will fall away during the fight and recover periodically. This can create small little areas where you get stuck and need to hope that your last tile doesn't get destroyed.


The boss Thaumanova Anomaly will be stationary in the middle the whole fight, but he will use skills the whole way across the arena: Binding Bolt - Channeled attack, single target. Platform under targeted player disappears

Flux Bomb - Single target. Damages targeted player and surrounding players after a couple of seconds. Targeted player will have a bomb icon above their head

Cosmic Barrage - Summons a ring of orbs that damage any players nearby

Star Smash - Heavy melee attack that Launches target

Cosmic Anomaly - Affected player take damage and platforms surrounding them will be destroyed

There is two methods that are generally used for this boss, the first is spread out and everyone stays away from each other so they don't cause each other to fall from missing tiles - use SAK when needed

The second method is to stack on the boss and have each player use their SAK one after another, if used correctly the first players cooldown should be done by the time it goes through all five players


Achievement - Thaumanova Reactor Fractal Stabilizer
5 AP
You've completed the Thaumanova Reactor fractal

Achievement - Great Heights
5 AP
Defeat the Anomaly without anyone falling off the platform inside the Thaumanova Reactor

Extra Achievements

Achievement - Incinerator I: The Experimental Dagger
Asura Lab Materials
Found in the chest at the end of Thaumanova Reactor

Achievement - The Predator I: The Experimental Rifle
Thaumanova Research Notes
Found in the chest at the end of Thaumanova Reactor

Achievement - Twilight I: The Experimental Nightsword
Reactor Meltdown
Found in the chest at the end of Thaumanova Reactor

Achievement - HOPE III: Prototype
Thaumanova Anomaly Spark
Found in the chest at the end of Thaumanova Reactor

Achievement - Bolt III: Zap
Bottle of Thaumanova Energy
Use a Capacitive Bottle to capture energy from a lightning turret in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal

Achievement - Bolt III: Zap
Bottle of Reactor Energy
Use a Capacitive Bottle to capture energy from the cooling chamber in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal

Achievement - HOPE IV: The Catalyst
Force of the Searing
With the Crystallized Magic in your inventory, gather the searing's chaotic energy by looting the chest at the end of the Urban Battlegrounds

Achievement - Incinerator III: Spark
Ever-Burning Fuel
Use the laboratory equipment found in the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal to mix a blend of Destructive Substance and your Searing Concoction to form Ever-Burning Fuel

Achievement - Sunrise III: Dawn
Radioactive Brightness
Found in the chest at the end of Thaumanova Reactor, use the Illuminator to capture its light

Achievement - The Juggernaut III: The Colossus
Irradiated Ooze
Coat yourself with your Mystic Chromatic Ooze and enter the radiation chamber(Cooling Chamber) in the Thaumanova Fractal

Achievement - Ad Infinitum II: Upper Bound
Thaumanova Reactor Timed Mote
Complete the Thaumanova Reactor timed challenge (scale 15)! Complete the fractal in under 20 minutes

Achievement - Ad Infinitum III: Unbound
Thaumanova Fractal Field Research Paper
Trade a Fractal Journal to the Thaumanova Field Researcher at the end of the Thaumanova Reactor Fractal

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