Twilight Oasis Fractal

"Was I not clear about your role in this operation? It involves the slaughter of Sunspears for your king. It does not involve speaking."

Infiltrate the oasis under the rule of Joko. In this Fractal you are tracking down the Sunspears to eliminate them, you will get to see the awesome might of the Dervish High Priestess Amala



When you first start this Fractal you will be welcomed by Joko, proceed ahead and you will see numerous enemies, and a forcefield blocking you from going straight


Turn down the side road and continue on until you are down some stairs, there will be an Elite Sunspear Sandbinder - there will be tornados going around and circle AoE's around him called Wall of Earth.

After defeating the boss there will be a door way open behind, go through and heal towards the small group of enemies and down the stairs, there you will fight High Priestess Amala for the first time. its a short fight and once you get her low enough she will do a room wide AoE that kills the whole party.

Joko will arrive and revive you, and give you a special gift - a new Special Action Key (SAK) Enhanced Reflexes. You will use this to move on to the next section, the rooftops



Now that you have your Special Action Key you need to jump up and get onto the rooftops to kill two more Elite Sunspear Sandbinder's


Head over to the lower building on side and jump up, you will need to go up a few platforms and across. The first one will be very obvious once you are up above, kill that one and go across. you will need to run across a few bridges, and jump up onto another building. when you are approaching a tunnel on the north side of the map you should see tornados flowing through. At the end of this is the last Sandbinder - Kill her and go back to the place you first fought Priestess Amala. Go up the ramp to the final boss arena

Achievement - Mercy of the Mordant
5 AP
End the suffering of all 15 downed foes in the Twilight Oasis fractal in one run
You will have to get close and use a finisher on these enemies. There is a tracker in your buff bar that will show how many you have left


Green Arrows - Ground Level Red Arrows - Rooftops/Upper Level


High Priestess Amala

When you first enter the room you will need to fight your way to the center, once the first start High Priestess Amala will take her first form. Throughout the fight she will take five different forms starting with Lyssa

Avatar of Lyssa - This will be the first phase of the fight. She will teleport quickly and form multiple clones of herself, which will attack players using Winds of Chaos, which will deal damage and apply conditions, these ads are fairly squishy and die quick, but you will be better off to ignore them and find the true target

Click on Health Bar in your quest/achievement tab on the side, this will always direct you to the correct one

To spot the one you are looking for tab target through and find the purple Legendary Portrait on the target bar. Once you find the one with this target her and DPS her down, until she moves again.

She will spawn multiple portals on the ground that will teleport whoever steps in them high in the air and apply a debuff to that person while falling. She will occasionally rearrange the portals and summon new clones, so make sure to find her legendary portrait again and focus your damage.

Occasionally players will be targeted to get transformed into Moa's with her Polymorph skill, this will place a AoE Marker on the player and they will drop it at their feet when its fully channeled - all players in the circle at that time will be polymorphed into Moa's. You can dodge/evade/block this skill, using the SAK will make this skill not drop on allies.

At 85% she will teleport to the center of the map and start to channel Mystic Detonation - to prevent this from casting you need to break her Defiance Bar. If you fail this CC check she will do room wide heavy damage and heal up a bit. When the bar is broken the barrier protecting the Priestess of Lyssa will come down, you need to use your SAK, jump up into the room and defeat her. You will be pulled back to the center of the arena and High Priestess Amala will change her avatar

Avatar of Melandru - Next phase she will become the Avatar of Melandru and summon a Champion Earth Elemental which will fixate on a random player, you can simply ignore this Elemental, and have the targeted player pull it away from the team and continue to range dps Amala. She will do multiple rock AoE's around her and spin in a circle, just dodge backwards or step out of it.

From now until you defeat Amala she will start to use her large AoE shockwave called Mystic Wave - she will draw her scythe over her head and a AoE marker will be in front of her, to avoid this you need to use your SAK Enhanced Reflexes.

There is an achievement for jumping over these shockwaves - Aerialist


When she is down to 65% she will go to the middle and you will have to break her Defiance bar again (this repeats every phase). Once broken the barrier protecting the Priestess of Melandru will drop, use your SAK to go kill her and be pulled back into the arena for Amalas next avatar shift.

Avatar of Dwayna - Next you will fight the Avatar of Dwayna, this phase has a lot of AoE's that target players directly and when stacked can cause a wipe. She will use Smite Undead which will drop a small AoE on each player and daze them if it lands, spread out to avoid stacking this.

When you get her to 60% she will summon tornados which will rotate and draw players into them causing blind. When you get her to 45% she will go back to the center, break her bar to drop the barrier protecting the Priestess of Dwayna - her platform will be protected with tons of lightning AoE's. Finish her off and go back down to the arena.

Avatar of Grenth - Next phase is the Avatar of Grenth, she will do melee attack's and lay down marks and Sand Swells which will detonate to apply damaging conditions and knockdown. She will also summon ten Shambling Horrors using Rise, with an additional five for each player hit with this skill.

She can use a small AoE that can instantly down a player hit by it so make sure to avoid all AoE's you can. She will create a ring around her at 40% and teleport one player outside the ring as well as spawn some Veteran Flesh Wurms, touching the ring causes Fear, use your SAK to get part it.

When you get her to 25% she will go back to the center and you need to break her bar again. Once you do the barrier covering the Priestess of Grenth will open, use the SAK to jump up and defeat her.

Avatar of Balthazar - Her last phase will be the Avatar of Balthazar. during the fight she will grant herself boons every 10 seconds. She will also apply burning to players and knockbacks with her AoE's.

She will call down Meteors on players randomly, this will do a decent amount of damage and create a firey shockwave that travels outwards, you can use a regular jump over these ones. When you get her to 18% she will spawn two large firey tornados, one will be larger then the other, but both will draw you in to the center and deal damage if you are too close.

At 5% she will teleport to the middle and have a break bar again, break it than go up to the last remaining platform to fight the Priestess of Balthazar, you will need to target the four nearby Sunspears to kill her. After this go back to the arena and finish off Amala.


Achievement - Hollow Victory
1 Core Mastery / 5 AP
Complete the Twilight Oasis fractal on the Master tier

Achievement - Aerialist
5 AP
Jump over Amala's Mystic Wave attack three times without being hit
You will need to use Enhanced Reflexes to jump over the shockwave

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