Intro To Guild Missions
Guild Missions are a great way to hang out and have fun with guild mates. Every week, there are new Missions to complete for favor in Core Tyria to level up your guild and receive individual rewards for your participation.
The individual rewards can add up to as much as 7g 45s and 12-15 Commendations. Commendations are useful to spend on Guild Banners and at the Daily Guilds Trader for daily specials that are sometimes quite valuable, including festival items like Personalized Trick-or-Treat bags or Divine Lucky Envelopes
Guild Missions are confusing at first, but after reading this guide, you’ll be a professional Guild Mission gamer in no time.
Finding the Weekly Missions
Guild Missions change weekly with the Monday reset. You can find what missions are available for the week on your Guild Panel [Default Keybind G] and go down to the third tab on the left. Guilds can choose which mission opportunities they are assigned by selecting PvE, PVP, or WVW.
No matter which one is selected as the primary option, one of each opportunity is also available at the bottom of the list. PvE is the most common option unless it is strictly a WVW or PVP Guild, so this post will focus on PvE missions.
The mission opportunity preference is selected by a Guild Leader or an Officer with the necessary permissions given.
What to Know About the Mission Tab
Let’s now break down everything you see on the Mission panel. Along the left-hand side is the list of missions from your selected opportunity type separated into easy, medium, and hard difficulties. Every Guild that selected PvE will have the same missions, so you’ll often see other guilds around the mission locations.
The last 3 missions will be one from each mission opportunity type every Guild will have in addition to those of their selected opportunity.
Your Guild Level will determine how many missions are available, from 6 up to 10. Once the guild reaches level 40, all ten will be available with 3 easy, 2 medium, and 2 hard, plus one of each opportunity.
There may be multiple of certain mission types in different difficulties; for example, there may be both an easy trek and a hard trek, or even a trek at each difficulty. Occasionally, the same mission may be assigned at different difficulty levels.
Next to the mission type is a small chest that will appear open if the player has received individual rewards for that mission and a shield that will turn gold if it has been completed by the Guild for credit. This is a great feature to check if you are unsure if you have gotten individual credit for the mission. I can’t count how many times I have clicked the wiggly chest and not registered that I had and been unsure if I got credit.
The larger right-side section of the mission panel has the description of the mission. This will look different for each mission type. Bounties and treks, for example, will not reveal your targets until the mission has started. Races, puzzles, and challenges will give you the details of where the mission is in the open world and a brief description.
The top right will have the total favor earned by completing the mission and another shield indicating if the mission was completed for guild credit. Along the bottom on the left, is the Launch Mission button the mission leader will push to start the mission. After the mission is launched, it turns into an Abandon Mission button with a timer. In the bottom right will show how much favor the guild currently has.
Mission Types
Let’s get into the good stuff and explore how exactly each of the 5 PvE mission types work. Bounty missions are for hunting down naughty targets on different maps across Tyria. On Trek missions, guildies spend time finding specific locations, some hidden very well or at the end of jumping puzzles.
Race missions involve being transformed, avoiding obstacles, and utilizing special skills to pass through markers and avoid enemies to get to the finish line. Challenge missions involve coordinating to protect and/or destroy NPCs or objects. Puzzles are similar to mini dungeons where you complete specific tasks in rooms to move on to the next and find your way out.
Guild Bounty
Once a bounty is started, random targets will be revealed based on the difficulty level. Easy bounties have one, medium has three, and hard has five targets. There are also time limits increasing at each difficulty of 10 minutes, 15 minutes, and 20 minutes.
There are a total of 18 different targets that will appear on different difficulties. The targets categorized as easy targets may appear at any difficulty level, but some can only appear at medium or higher, and some will only be available on hard. The leader of the guild mission will likely split people into parties to divide and hunt multiple targets to save time.
Each bounty appears on the same map every time. Most bounties follow a set path, while others have objects (sometimes rats) that you interact with to reveal the bounty. A full list of all available bounties is available on the Guild Wars 2 Wiki, along with their map and path. Most pathing module add-ons also have Guild Bounty markers.
Once the bounty is found, anyone with “Mission Control” permission may initiate the fight. Beware that some of the targets hidden among objects may become hostile as soon as they are revealed. The fight will typically not be initiated immediately after the target is found, at least until enough members are there to ensure success and everyone who needs credit can get some damage in.
Individuals need only hit one of the targets to get credit, however, all targets must be killed for the guild and individual credit to be rewarded.
Occasionally, you’ll come across a guild hunting the same target since the target assignment is RNG. Most guilds will wait if you ask them to. If they do not, this could cause you to need to wait for the target to respawn (typically not too far from where it was killed).
If it is early in a medium or hard, it would be worth it to get some hits in to register the target as defeated by the guild and then move on to help find the other targets. I recommend waiting on initiating the last target until ALL participants are present to get a hit in to ensure everyone gets individual credit.
Guild Trek
After a trek is launched, the locations guild must find will be revealed.
Easy Treks will have 5 locations with 15 minutes to find them
Medium Treks have 15 locations with 17 minutes to find them
Hard Trek have 30 locations with 20 minutes to find them
There are 186 locations from which they are selected, located across Core Tyria. Players only need to be at one to get individual rewards, but all locations do not need to be found, unlike Bounties, which require all targets killed. For the guild to get favor, all locations must be found within the time limit.
To find the locations, I recommend using the Guild Wars 2 Wiki, which gives the closest Waypoint and a general path on how to get there. Marker packs in add-ons also have pathing modules for Guild Treks to help you even more. To get credit, players must be standing on the Trek marker before anyone interacts with it [Default hot key F]. Please wait for all guildies who are supposed to be there to interact so no one loses the opportunity for credit. For the trek to be completed faster, the Mission Leader may split members into parties to divide and conquer completion, especially on Hard Treks. If players are split into parties, use party chat for communicating Waypoints and avoid confusing other members.
Guild Wars 2 Wiki Trek Location
Once guilds are maxed, they may “Cheese” Treks for only individual rewards to save time for other missions. The Mission Leader will link the Waypoint in chat for everyone to go to the same trek location, then follow them to the Trek Marker. If you think you may accidentally press “F” stand just off the marker until all guildies are there.
The Mission Leader should be the only one who interacts, usually after a ready check indicating everyone is present
This should produce the individual credit chest. Occasionally, it won't, and another location will need to be found and the process repeated. Once everyone receives individual credit, the Mission Leader will abandon the mission, failing it for the guild because the guild doesn’t need the favor.
Guild Race
Players can get to Guild Races through the portal in the guild hall (it looks like a globe). Any party member can open the portal for everyone or travel by themselves. Mission Waypoints are on the second tab of the menu, then select the Waypoint for the race. Players will land at the Waypoint closest to the race’s start. Convenient if there are Guild Members in the group without map completion and save a Teleport to Friend
Once at the race’s starting marker, the Mission Leader will launch the mission, then players can interact with the flag to transform into the creature for that race. Skill 1 will always be your trap search skill.
There will be a lot of traps and adds to stop you from reaching the finish line. There will also be two other skills that are typically evade, heal, or movement skill.
You will pass through a series of checkpoint flags, which will be marked on your mini map when it is next. Once you go through the first checkpoint, you become eligible for credit.
For the individual credit to be available, at least one person from the guild needs to complete the race. Once 15 participants complete the race within the time limit, the mission is considered a success for Guild Credit, and the leader may end the mission early by talking to an NPC near the finish line.
The 15 finishers can be from any guild, super helpful for smaller guilds, preventing guild members from having to complete it multiple times
If you struggle with races, you’re not alone. Transform and get through the first checkpoint, then transform back. You can now help racers by killing adds, healing racers, giving swiftness, and providing barrier. Pouncing on my guildies with jackal is fun. If you finish the race, you can also assist others on your way back to the starting line if you are doing another round or too be helpful.
Guild Challenge
Guild Challenges can also be traveled to from the Guild Hall portal. Each one has different mechanics, but they are all similar. One common mechanic is defending an area for a set amount of time. Another is killing champions or destroying objects simultaneously (within 30 seconds).
One unique Challenge is where you free and escort quaggans to safety from krait. There is also a keep-away the karka shell challenge. Most of these require at least 5, and some can be done with 3, but would be tight, since the group will be divided in different areas to succeed.
Guild Puzzles
The Guild Hall portal will also get you to Puzzle locations. Each Puzzle has a series of rooms the guild must move through one at a time by completing a task. Some have small JPs to get from room to room (you can port people up with a Mesmer Portal or White Mantle Portal Device if they don’t make it)
The tasks are unique in each puzzle, so I will not cover them here, but I will go through the things you must know to be successful
In addition to working against the clock for the mission itself, tasks are also time-constrained, so you must work quickly. I provide four rules for my guild to follow when we’re doing puzzles.
No interacting until you’re told to, as this will start the timer for the task.
Do not move forward into rooms ahead of the group. Go together and keep up or people can be left begging ands locked out from moving forward. There is no way to get back to your team into the end. You will still get credit if left behind and the puzzle is successful.
Pay attention and follow directions. Puzzles typically require everyone to be doing something unless you have an overabundance of gamers.
No touchy (re-read rule #1)
If you are leading Puzzles, it is definitely a good idea to have the instructions in a document you can copy/paste to save time since it does have limited time, especially if you end up having to do tasks a couple of times. Until you have enough gamers who are familiar with the puzzles, you will probably have to repeat some tasks that require more coordination.
I was definitely lost in puzzles for a while until I did them a few times, and there are a couple I’m still less familiar with. Keep at them, and you will get there. Again, we are spoiled with an excellent Wiki where the community has provided breakdowns for how each Puzzle works.
I really love Guild Missions. They are a great, low-pressure activity that you can enjoy casually with your guild. They are also new-player friendly since they are all on core maps and don’t require expansions.
I look forward to Mission Monday with our guild and will happily lead for as long as they will have me. I hope this guide has been helpful - until next time, may all your missions be a success.