Janthir Wilds: Act 4 Mastery
Janthir Wilds Repentance brings us to Act 4 and with that a whole new group of achievements
Janthir Wilds: Act 4 Mastery Achievement
Complete 12 Janthir Wilds: Act 4 Achievements
10 Achievement Points
1 Janthir Wilds Mastery Point
Into The Valley of Shadow
Complete the story chapter Into The Valley of Shadow
Told Ya So
Journal: Into the Valley of Shadow
Use /Facepalm when arriving in Mistburn Barrens after Poky throws up
Wayward Wayfinder
Journal: Into the Valley of Shadow
Step out of the large circle around Isgarren when he starts moving into the Spectral Agony - it’s best to do this right as it starts so you don’t take unneeded damage
Yagon Begone
Journal: Into the Valley of Shadow
Defeat 35 Mursaat Ghosts when you reach the Yagon’s Gift Point of Interest
A Legacy Damned
Complete the story chapter A Legacy Damned
Field Updates
Journal: A Legacy Damned
Do all of the optional dialog while in camp - you will have to get info from three specific ones after Anise tells you to speak with Reseacher Rin
Kodan (Poised Arrow & Waiting Sorrow)
Conqueror of the Lake
Journal: A Legacy Damned
Defeat the Titanspawn and its Broodlings without going down
Once Golden, Now Tarnished
Journal: A Legacy Damned
You complete this achievement after the story instance is complete - make sure to not leave the instance
After reading the Tattered Letter go and dig up the ring
Once you have the ring head south to the Lover’s Wall
Penance For The Past
Complete the story chapter Penance For The Past
Expert Exterminator
Journal: Penance For The Past
Search out and eliminate all three of the hidden threats in the ruins of the Veiled Library
Hunger Crazed Murellow
Collect the Rotten Meat and bring it to the Dank Nest and interact with it - The meat has multiple spawn spots
Imprisoned Jade Armor
Interact with the Strange Tablet causing the four Talismans to glow, each one will represent one of the glowing marks on the wall next to the Strange Tablet
Use on them in a specific order to free the Imprisoned Jade Armor - the order is written on the Tablet in a riddle
Lifespring - Midsummer - Arboreal - Mistral
If you interact with the correct one you will gain a buff representing that one - if you click on the wrong one you will have to restart. Once this is complete return to the Tablet to fight Barboza
The Source Of The Spider Infestation
Clear all of the spiders in the area and go to the Spider Nest to fight the Queen - there will be six packs that descend from the ceiling
So Touchy
Journal: Penance For The Past
Find all of the objects in the Veiled Library
Pile of Discarded Clothing
Desiccated Corpse
Torture Collar
Mursaat Monument
Tattered Book
Soiled Page
Murellow Nest
Strange Tablet - This is needed to interact with the four Talismans
Lifespring Talisman
Midsummer Talisman
Arboreal Talisman
Mistral Talisman
Spider Nest
Dusty Tome
Historical Record
Well-Worn Journal
Propaganda Pamphlet
Barren of Mistburned
Journal: Penance For The Past
Defeat all of the Mistburned enemies in the Veiled Library and area
Mistburned Bees: South
Mistburned Bees: North
Mistburned Reindeer
Mistburned Iboga: South
Mistburned Iboga: North
Mistburned Valraven