Dedicated Gardener / Craftable Primers

Dedicated Gardener

Collect all plantable seeds for your home garden
Seeds have a chance to drop while gathering from harvesting nodes that produce that resource.

Resource synthesizers in Guild Halls and World vs. World don't create seeds

This achievement will be unlocked when you purchase Black Lion Garden Plot Deed - the one gained from the Gourmet Training achievement does not count as the starter to this achievement

  1. Garden Artichoke Seed - Gathered from Artichoke

    Garden Artichoke Seed can be gathered from any Artichoke plant node

  2. Garden Blackberry Seed - Gathered from Blackberries

    Garden Blackberry Seed can be gathered from any Blackberry plant node

  3. Garden Butternut Squash Seed - Gathered from Butternut Squash

    Garden Butternut Seed can be gathered from any Butternut Squash plant node

  4. Garden Cactus Seed - Gathered from Cactus

    Garden Cactus Seed can be gathered from any Cactus plant node

  5. Garden Cayenne Pepper Seed - Gathered from Cayenne Pepper

    Garden Cayenne Pepper Seed can be gathered from any Cayenne Pepper plant node

  6. Garden Clove Seed - Gathered from Verdant Herbs or Mature Herbs

    Garden Clove Seed can be gathered from any Mature Herbs or Verdant Herbs plant node in the Maguuma Jungle region (Sparkfly Fen or Mount Maelstrom specifically)

  7. Garden Garlic Seed - Gathered from Herb Seedlings, Verdant Herbs or Cluster of Herbs

    Garden Garlic Seed can be gathered from any plant node that drops Head of Garlic

    • Cluster of Herbs (chance)

    • Desert Vegetables (chance)

    • Herb Patch (chance)

    • Herb Seedlings (chance)

    • Herb Sprouts (chance)

    • Herbs (chance)

    • Mature Herbs (0-1) (chance)

    • Verdant Herbs (chance, chance if Dedicated Gardener achievement is active while Head of Garlic is gathered)

    • Young Herbs (0-1) (chance)

  8. Garden Grape Seed - Gathered from Grapes

    Garden Grape Seed can be gathered from any Grape plant node

  9. Garden Kale Seed - Gathered from Kale or Vegetable Plants

    Garden Kale Seed can be gathered from any Kale plant node

  10. Garden Leek Seed - Gathered from Leeks

    Garden Leek Seed can be gathered from any Leek plant node

  11. Garden Lemongrass Seed - Gathered from Cluster of Herbs

    Garden Lemongrass Seed can be gathered from any Cluster of Herbs plant node

  12. Garden Parsnip Seed - Gathered from Winter Root Vegetables

    Garden Parsnip Seed can be gathered from any Winter Root Vegetables plant node

  13. Garden Passion Fruit Seed - Gathered from Passiflora

    Garden Passion Fruit Seed can be gathered from any Passiflora plant node

  14. Garden Potato Eye - Gathered from Potato

    Garden Potato Eye can be gathered from any Potato plant node

  15. Garden Raspberry Seed - Gathered from Raspberries

    Garden Raspberry Seed can be gathered from any Raspberry plant node

  16. Garden Saffron Seed - Gathered from Black Crocus

    Garden Saffron Seed can be gathered from any Black Crocus plant node

  17. Garden Spinach Seed - Gathered from Spinach or Vegetable Plants

    Garden Spinach Seed can be gathered from any Spinach plant node or Vegetable Plants node in a home instance

  18. Garden Strawberry Seed - Gathered from Strawberry Patch

    Garden Strawberry Seed can be gathered from any Strawberry Patch node

  19. Garden Sugar Pumpkin Seed - Gathered from Sugar Pumpkin

    Garden Sugar Pumpkin Seed can be gathered from any Sugar Pumpkin node

  20. Garden Tarragon Seed - Gathered from Verdant Herbs or Cluster of Herbs

    Garden Clove Seed can be gathered from any Cluster of Herbs or Verdant Herbs plant node

  21. Black Lion Garden Plot Deed - Bought from the Gem Store

Pack of Home Recipes
This package contains cooking and artificing recipes that require ingredients from plants that can only be grown in your home garden

  • Recipe: Guaranteed Blue-Green Dye Unlock

  • Recipe: Guaranteed Purple-Gray Dye Unlock

  • Recipe: Guaranteed Red-Brown Dye Unlock

  • Recipe: Guaranteed Yellow-Orange Dye Unlock

  • Recipe: Flask of Metabolic Primer

  • Recipe: Flask of Utility Primer

Craftable Primers


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