Lonely Tower Fractal
“Immediately following the foundation of the Astral Ward, Eparch finally returned to Tyria to strike back against Isgarren's "betrayal"–this time, with a full entourage. Help Isgarren, Mabon, and Dagda navigate the crumbling halls of the Wizard's Tower and push the Kryptis back where they came from.”
Lonely Tower is a chance for us to experience the past and understand what happened between Eparch and Isgarren. Explore the Wizard’s Tower during Eparchs attack before being banished by Isgarren
Astral Purifiers
When you enter this fractal you will have to go to the right and get past a whole bunch of AoE’s that will be dropping down.
You just need to run past these and into the room at the end of the hallway - when you get through the hallway you will see Astral Purifiers that you will need to interact with
When you interact with each of the Astral Purifiers - when you do you will have to do a minigame of picking the correct skill between 1 - 5 - at the same time Avatars of Spite’s are spawning pushing towards you, and will explode when they do causing the minigame to fail.
These Avatars can be killed by other players while this is going on to prevent them from knocking you off of the Purifier and causing it to fail
After all 5 Purifiers are completed the team can head back to the start by running or by using /gg and being sent back to the start on respawn
There will be one final Purifier hidden at the end of the left hallway, once this is completed you can progress into the next room
Cerus And Deimos
In the next room you will have to fight Cerus & Deimos, two bosses you may or may not be familiar with as Deimos is the final boss of Wing 4 raid, and Cerus is the boss in the Temple of Febe strike
The main unique mechanic of this fight is that if the two are close together they get a buff called Brothers United - which increases their outgoing strike damage by 50%
Most teams will still drag the two bosses together and kill them as one - but this does requier a bit more coordination so make sure to communicate this with your team!
Cerus will have several attacks he can do on the team, these attacks can stack his buff Empowered
Empowered - Increases damage by 5% per stack. At 99 stacks, Cerus's attacks become unblockable
Smash - Basic melee attack
Cry of Rage - Channel overwhelming rage into a massive cry - gains 1 Empowered if a player is hit
Despair - Manifest overwhelming despair onto enemies, leaving behind a damaging pool that inflicts Agony
Malicious Intent - Tether to an enemy and manifest their malice - Gain 5 Empowered upon consuming the malice
Deimos will use several attacks and ground AoE’s as well as stack a buff called Devour
Devour - Deimos has consumed sins, increasing the demon's strength. Deals 2% additional damage per stack - gains one stack each time he passed over the Grasping Hands AoE’s that players leave behind
Mace Smash - Basic melee attack
Annihilate - First slam that makes a big shockwave
Grasping Hands - Grasping hands spawn underneath the furthest player from Deimos - when they are pulled in Deimos gains 1 Devour for each one consumed
Rapid Decay - Channels & swings maces for 5 seconds, then drops a damaging black field under the nearest player without Cerus's Focus, expanding with each hit up to three times. This is commonly referred to as “Oil” mechanic
Brothers, Together
3 AP
Defeat Cerus and Deimos within 5 seconds of each other in the Lonely Tower fractal
After taking the portal you will be in front of Eparch and have to wipe out a few small adds
After Eliminating the adds you will have to face Eparch and he will have 2 general patterns depending on where your team is set up
Players In Melee Range Of Eparch
Enraged Smash (Red) - Rain of Despair (Blue) - Wave of Envy (Green) - Inhale (Orange) - Wave of Envy (Green) - Spike of Malice (Purple)
Players Are Out Of Eparch Range
Rain of Despair (Blue) - Enraged Smash (Red) - Wave of Envy (Green) - Inhale (Orange) - Wave of Envy (Green) - Spike of Malice (Purple)
Enraged Smash - Smash the ground and unleash an unblockable shock wave that inflicts Knockdown, this is always followed up with Rage Fissure that creates damaging lines across the battle field
Releases Red Globules
Inhale - Pulls everyone towards Eparch he spins around
Releases Orange Globules
Rain of Despair - Eparch raises his sword and rains down despair that pulse damage and Torment
Releases Blue Globules
Spike of Malice - Eparch slams his left fist and and strikes everyone with a set of spikes from underneath
Releases Purple Globules
Wave of Envy - Unleashs waves of envy that corrupt boons on-contact
Releases Green Globules
Summon - Eparch spins his sword and summon Kryptis reinforcements
Releases Yellow Globules
Consume - Eparchs Defiance Bar will become active - Consumes all emotional globules left laying around and gains their respective empowerment
Targets and Consumes a foe, pulsing damage and each second and stealing some stacks of empowerment from them. More stacks stolen at higher fractal tiers
Globules of Emotion
Fissure Walker
3 AP
Defeat Eparch In The Lonely Tower Fractal Without Taking Damage From His Rage Fissures
3 AP
Defeat Eparch In The Lonely Tower Fractal Without Allowing Him To Reach 20 Stacks Of Any Emotional Attunement
Wayfind Yourself Out
3 AP
Complete The Lonely Tower Fractal On The Master Tier
Wizard’s Tower Is Ours, Eparch
2 AP
Complete The Lonely Tower Fractal On Any Tier
Secrets of the Tower
5 AP
Complete The Lonely Tower Fractal With The Challenge Mode On
Wavering Ward
5 AP / Title: Kryptis Exorcist
Complete The Lonely Tower Fractal With The Challenge Mode On Without Anyone Being Defeated
Lonely Tower Fractal
5 AP / Endless Midnight King Combat Tonic
Complete All The Achievements Associated With The Lonely Tower Fractal