Mursaat’s Game - Hidden Achievement
Mursaat’s Game is a hidden achievement unlocked after completing Missing Scout - It is also one of the most fun achievements we have found!
Missing Scout
This is the prerequisite to Mursaat’s Game - once this achievement is completed you can move forward
Someone at the alliance Staging Ground must know more.
Listen to Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise talk - they will be very close to the Waypoint Alliance Staging Ground
Talk to Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise about their missing friend.
Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise said to seek out Quiet Lagoon, who is scouting in the north.
Head North to the Hidden Sacrarium and look for the Adventure NPC, it is called Search-and-Rescue Challenge
Quiet Lagoon is having me look for his missing scouts, Riven Marl should be among them.
Complete the adventure using your Warclaw / Other Mounts (Warclaw will have an achievement tied to it as well)
After completing the Adventure you should be up top by the Vista
Riven Marl was not among the missing scouts. Maybe they are lost somewhere else in these ruins.
Look to the back of the ruins just behind the Vista and you will see a Strange Box - This will unlock the hidden achievement Mursaat’s Game
Mursaat’s Game
Interact with the Strange Box
What’s happening?
The game was rigged from the start. You need help,
After indulging the ??? Mursaat in their game you will be given a chance to get pieces for the game - Riven Marl will tell you to find his Carvings
Maybe Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise have some ideas.
Return to the Alliance Staging Ground and go talk with Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise
They will give you clues to help you find Riven Marl’s Carvings
Clue 1: Riven Marl learned to whittle during an art class in Harvest Den. This is one of their favorite memories.
Head over to Harvest Den Waypoint — [&BK4OAAA=] and look in the upper third floor of the Denning Forge —[&BNIOAAA=] for a Rytlock Carving
Clue 2: Riven Marl would often while away the hours with a nice, hot bath at their favorite spot in the lowlands.
Go to the Hot Springs Waypoint — [&BMkOAAA=] in Lowland Shores and search behind the hut for a Caithe Carving
Clue 3: Riven Marl once won a bet by climbing to the top of the Cathedral of Blood.
Go to Sanguine Crater Waypoint — [&BCwPAAA=] and head south to The Cathedral of Blood - [&BAYPAAA=]
Using Skyscale fly up the cliff on the Southwest side of the PoI until you find a cliff with a Logan Carving
Clue 4: Riven Marl’s worst scouting experience was soaking in the rain near Dead Lover’s Rock.
Go to the Stricken Plains Waypoint — [&BCoPAAA=] and go East to Dead Lovers Rock - [&BOkOAAA=]
The Eir Carving will be on a small island just beside this PoI
Clue 5: Riven Marl was scouting Yagon’s Gift during a period when the agony had dissipated.
Go to the Alliance Staging Ground Waypoint and progress the North event starting at Construct Graveyard
After finishing the event the Spectral Agony will be temporarily removed allowing you to enter the small entrance to the back of the Yagon’s Gift Point of Interest and find the Garm Carving
Clue 6: Riven Marl was part of the group that helped the Priory explore Celsa’s Orchard.
Go to the Alliance Staging Ground Waypoint and go Southeast to Celsa's Orchard Point of Interest
The Snaff Carving will be to the East side up in a small room
Clue 7: Riven Marl was known to whittle high up above the Alliance Staging Ground.
Go to the Alliance Staging Ground waypoint and use your Skyscale to fly up high to find the Zojja Carving
Clue 8: Riven Marl was one of the first to volunteer to enter a mursaat mirror.
Head North from the Alliance Staging Ground Waypoint to the Mursaat Mirror at Valravn’s Vigil Point of Interest - use the updraft there to get all the way up
Take the Mursaat Mirror to the locked off Mastery Point and find the Mr. Sparkles Carving
You’ve got your army. Now win the game and save Riven Marl.
Return to the Strange Box back at the Hidden Sacrarium
Upon returning to the Strange Box you will be transported into the Mursaat’s Game once again, this time you will have a army with you made up of the carvings you had collected along the way
You will be made to play against Sybil in her mini game
The game is relatively simple, each turn you get to give one of your carvings a damage modifier of +1 and they will attack the enemy pieces until they are all defeated
Once you have defeated all of Sybil pieces she will transform into a Champion Jade Armor and the game will continue
After defeating her in the Champion Jade Armor form you will face her final form
After this you will be done and she will beg for mercy and request you come back to visit her
You’ve beaten the game. Time to see if Riven Marl is okay.
Return to the Alliance Stanging Grounds where you first met Ocean Bloom and Blinding Sunrise
You can return to the Strange Cube after this achievement chain is complete but it will not let you enter - it does mention in game that it should be delivered to the Wizards Court so maybe we will get a chance to play this game again!