How To Unlock The Roller Beetle Mount

"A once-humble scarab beetle, bulked up to phenomenal size and strength by asuran science."

The Roller Beetle is a super fast moving mount that has tons of mini games hidden around Tyria with their own rewards like a Racing Scarf!

Getting Started

Unlocking the Roller Beetle Mount has a few different steps and requirements. The first one being you must own Living World Season 4 and have completed the second chapter Forearmed Is Forwarned. After starting Tactical Triage talk to Spearmarshal Zaeim in the Domain of Kourna in the building on the southern side of the Allied Encampment.


Head west of the Allied Encampment Waypoint [&BFcLAAA=], and then talk to Gorrik near the north side of the Allied Encampment. This will unlock the first collection you must complete.


Beetle Juice

For this step you will have to collect ten items around the Domain of Kourna. Nine of them will be in locations scattered around the map, and the last one is given by Gorrik when you talk to him after you have collected the rest

Unlabeled Bottle of Bubbling Liquid

Hint: Obtain a Bottle of Bubbeling Liquid from a secret cache around Kodonur's Crossing.


Slightly Southeast of the Barbellate Crater— [&BF8LAAA=] PoI

"Dragon" Protein

Hint: Obtain a "Dragon" Protein from a secret cache around Kodonur's Crossing.


South of the Barbellate Crater— [&BF8LAAA=] PoI

Completely Legal Performance-Enhancing Serum

Hint: Obtain Completely Legal Performance-Enhancing Serum from a secret cache around Kodonur's Crossing.


Southwest of Idol of the Choya [&BF4LAAA=] PoI - It is hidden in bushes

Flask of Churning Liquid

Hint: Obtain a Flask of Chrurning Liquid from a secret cache somewhere near Palawa's Benevolence


South of Arkjok Farmlands Vista [&BFsLAAA=] - outside of the village, close to a Charitable Soldier and Desperate Villager.

210 Proof Rotgut

Hint: Obtain 210 Proof Rotgut from a secret cache somewhere near Palawa's Benevolence


Southeast of Arkjok Kennels [&BGULAAA=] - in a small enclosure with hay and roosters

Calcified Megalodon Fin

Hint: Obtain a sample of Calcified Megalodon Fin from a secret cache somewhere near Palawa's Benevolence


South of Palawa's Benevolence [&AgFkVwEA] - at the foot of the Palawa Joko Statue, east of the infected crops

Bottle of Dark Smoke

Hint: Obtain a bottle of dark smoke from a secret cache around Bitterfly Bayou.


Southeast from the Apizmic Grounds Waypoint [&BFALAAA=] - bottom of the path heading into the water

Lightning In A Bottle

Hint: Obtain a lightning in a bottle from a secret cache around Bitterfly Bayou.


Southeast from the Apizmic Grounds Waypoint [&BFALAAA=]

Untested Speed Serum

Hint: Obtain an untested speed serum from a secret cache around Bitterfly Bayou


Northeast from the Apizmic Grounds Waypoint [&BFALAAA=] - slightly west of Dejarin Ruins [&BFkLAAA=]

Full Recovery

Return to Gorrik after you collected the 9 items above at the Allied Encampment


This will finish Beetle Juice and allow you to move on to the next collection Beetle Saddle

Beetle Saddle

The next collection will send you to various spots in Tyria

Inquest Beetle Notes

Hint: Dropped by Awakened Inquest

Go kill Awakened Inquest in the Domain of Kourna, they can be found in the Dabiji Hollows, Eastern Front, Front Line, Western Front

Inquest Power Schematics

Hint: Search the Inquest lab equipment near Dabiji Hollows in the Domain of Kourna

Interact with one of the Lab Terminals on the top floor of the Pogahn Bluffs Proving Ground [&BFwLAAA=] PoI in the Dabiji Hollows.

Shadow Creator's Seal

Hint: Collect a bounty in the Domain of Kourna

Dropped by any Bounty target from the Domain of Kourna.

Steam Power Coupling

Hint: Harvested from steam creatures

Dropped by and Steam Creatures - try looking near Lamentation Waypoint [&BOoAAAA=] in Lornar's Pass. There will be several other locations like the Thaumanova Reactor in Metrica Province

Plagued Struts

Hint: Dropped by golems in the Domain of Kourna

Dropped by Inquest Golems in the Domain of Kourna - they can be found in most places you would find Awakened

Anomaly Spark

Hint: Collected from a Legendary Ley-Line Anomaly in its final moments

Participate in Defeat the Ley-Line Anomaly to disperse its destructive energy before it overloads - can be acquired even if the event fails.

Mk II Power Inverter

Hint: Defeat the Mark II golem in Mount Maelstrom

Dropped by the Inquest Golem Mark II - Go to Old Sledge Site Waypoint [&BNQCAAA=] and head north


Completed Saddle

Hint: Return saddle parts to Blish in the Domain of Kourna

Just go back to the Allied Encampment and talk to Blish

Saddle Up

Hint: Place the completed saddle on Petey

After you talk to Blish and receive the Completed Saddle, interact with Petey - who is by Gorrik in the northern part of the Allied Encampment

This will finish off Beetle Saddle and move you into Beetle Feed as you continue to grow your new friend Petey!

Beetle Feed

Next we have to feed our new friend Petey

Live Plague Scarab

Hint: Contain scarab outbreaks in the Domain of Kourna

Complete the Trample scarabs with your mount to contain the outbreak event in the Domain of Kourna. This event can be found on the Western Front and the Front Line.

Plague Scarab Egg

Hint: Smash plague experiments in the Moon Fortress

You will get this by destroying the Plague Experiments during the raid on Gandara, the Moon Fortress as part of the event End the plague experiments - the final part of the Containing the Scarab Plague meta event

Junundu Ichor

Hint: Drops from Junundu Wurms in the Crystal Desert

Obtained by killing Junundu Wurms in the Crystal Desert - these are easy to find near the Junundu Hatchery [&BK8KAAA=] PoI

Hearty Beetle Slime

Hint: Harvested from the Alpha Beetle in the Far Silverwastes

Obtained by killing Alpha Beetles in the Far Silverwastes - go to the north side of the map from Camp Resolve Waypoint [&BH8HAAA=].


You will need to spawn the Kill the alpha beetle event by killing the neutral Giant Beetle on the ledge in the north-west corner surrounded by small allied beetles - the event can be on cooldown and may take a few times of killing the Giant Beetle to spawn it.

Desert Luciferin

Hint: Purchased from the Heket in the Domain of Kourna

Purchased for 50 Inscribed Shards from Milin, the Renown Heart vendor near Apizmic Grounds Waypoint [&BFALAAA=]


Frigid Wurm Goo

Hint: Harvested from cave wurms in the Domain of Kourna

Obtained by killing Cave Wurms underwater near Deeprift Brood [&BEwLAAA=] PoI in Ntouka Pond in the Domain of Kourna

Toxic Spider Yolk

Hint: Harvested from the toxic spider queen in Kessex Hills

Obtained by killing the Toxic Spider Queen in Kessex Hills - near the Viathan Waypoint [&BBAAAAA=] or Gap Waypoint [&BLoDAAA=]

Dinner's Ready

Hint: Give Petey the perfect meal

After you have all of the items above go back to your new friend Petey - near Gorrik in the Allied Encampment and give him his dinner!

Congrats you have now unlocked the Roller Beetle Mount!

You will now have access to new Masteries to unlock and level up!

Wrecking Ball - Learn to launch foes a short distance by rolling over them with the roller beetle's engage skill, Roll Out.

Barrier Smash - Smash your way into secret areas and destroy volatile crystals with your roller beetle.

An Example Of A Breakable Wall

Big Air - Learn to perform stylish airborne tricks after boosting to regain endurance.

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