Silent Surf Fractal

“A new threat emerges in the aftermath of the Jade Wind. Captain Thess and his Serpent Clan salvage crew arrive at the wreck of a trade convoy that recently departed for the Harvest Temple. Their search for fellow Luxon survivors leads them beneath the petrified sea, unaware of the growing evil that awaits them”

Silent Surf is dark, gritty, and quite difficult for players, you are working on reaching the bottom of a deep abyss in the Jade Sea, but you have to use your tools correctly to make sure you don’t die on the way down

First Jump


When you enter this fractal you will be on the upper level, and meet with Captain Thess, there will be a small box of supplies that you can take.

You can access these supplies by using you Special Action Key (SAK), you will collect more skills as you progress deeper and you will need to use these skills the whole way through, including on the last encounter

After grabbing your supplies you can jump into the cavern, make sure to use your SAK and than Parachute to avoid dying

Book 1 of Grim Investigation is on this platform right under Captain Thess feet

Once you land make sure to refresh your supplies at the crate/Thess before going onwards

Second Jump


After your first decent you will be greeted with a new box to grab gear from, you will then have to use your Grappling Hook from your SAK to get across the large chasm - from here you simply use the Zip Lines to get across

Book 2 of Grim Investigation is on this platform behind the first Zip Line before you take the second Zip Line

Once you Zip Line down two levels you will drop and need to use your Parachute again to land safely - there will be a marker that players will need to stand on in order to trigger the next checkpoint

Third Jump


After activating the checkpoint you will have to do a quick fight against a group of spiders and cave bats that will spawn. Once defeated you will once again be able to refill your tools for your SAK

After refreshing your SAK you can jump down below onto some Mushrooms below, as a note you will not have to mitigate damage as long as you land directly on one you will be propelled forward

While in the air you will need to get past another chasm, the way I do this is to use a grappling hook while being launched - aim it towards the large green crystal on the roof, this should provide enough distance to get across

Book 3 of Grim Investigation is on this platform on the left side

From here just click on the Wind Cannon to proceed to the next checkpoint

Fourth Jump


After activating the checkpoint you will have to fight off a wave of Naga, once those are cleared you can restock your tools with the box near the edge, then head into the Wind Cannon

The Wind Cannon will shoot you up and into a zip line - ride this to the end and aim to land on one of the Mushrooms below - landing directly on top of a mushroom to avoid the damage and save your SAK skills (this is more important at the higher tiers) - this will then launch you into yet another Wind Cannon that will land you on a platform in the next area.

Book 4 of Grim Investigation is on this platform on the left side

From here you will need to move to the left side of the platform and use SAK skill (3) Black Powder Charge then Parachute and Grapple Hook your way to the Mushrooms which will send you into a Wind Cannon and land you at the last Checkpoint - make sure to save a Parachute for the way down after the Zip Line

If you are trying to get the achievement then avoid using Black Powder Charge then just jump and parachute down from the highest spot and glide down

Getting across the last chasm can sometimes be a bit difficult especially on higher tiers so make sure to refill all of your SAK skills

Corrupted First Mate Dolus

Once the Checkpoint has been activated you will have to fight Corrupted Luxon Sailors, and once you kill them all you will face the mini boss Corrupted First Mate Dolus and he will introduce a few of the main bosses mechanics

Dread Visage - Corrupted First Mate Dolus will have an eye above his head and you will have to look away or you will get feared away.

AoE Targeting - There will be AoE’s on each player with a number, plus a AoE under where Corrupted First Mate Dolus starts this skill. Your team will need to spread out and try their best to not overlap this skill as it can down you pretty quick.
In between each AoE spin there will also be an dash at the next target so make sure you are out of the way of this dash


After finishing off Corrupted First Mate Dolus you can grab more supplies and descend down to the final fight - once everyone is down below you can interact with Captain Thess corpse to start the fight

Eye / Fear - In normal mode this fight will always start with the eye/fear mechanic and in this situation all you need to do is look away from Kanaxai and the spirits around the outside of the arena or you will be feared - which will generally make you run off the edge - this mechanic will repeat throughout the whole fight so make sure you are always watching for it!

Phase 1 - The start of this fight will be pretty straight forward with only a few mechanics that you have already dealt with by fighting Corrupted First Mate Dolus - but it will also implement some immortal ads around the outside of the arena (the ones that also have the eye mechanic above their head) that will drop AoE’s on the team periodically.

Kanaxai will also throw axes our on random party members that stay when they drop until more targets get selected and they move to a new location.
Every 10% of health he will also start charging and get a defiance bar - breaking this bar will cause him to get Dread Defiance, which makes it harder to break the bar next time.

He will also get Exposed, which allows you to briefly do more damage, so this is your best burn window.
If you fail to break the bar a Aspect will spawn on one of the outside islands and a player will be targeted - you will see a orange tether - by one of the immortal ads on the main platform. The targeted player will need to use their grapple hook and move to the island on the outside and kill the Aspect

You are able to take the tether off of another player, so if your healer gets marked you can take it off of them to allow them to stay on the group

World Cleaver - At 66%/33% Kanaxai will become invulnerable and begin to charge World Cleaver which appears as a large orange AoE on the main platform expanding outwards, up to 5 players will get targeted with a tether and after 3 seconds they will see red swords appear on the map and a large light beam pointing towards their target. You will need to use the Grapple Hook to get across

The way I suggest to do this is to zoom your view out, look way up and aim at the Aspects feet on the platform - or as close to as you can. This should land you right on the platform without overshooting it or under shooting it

Phase 2 - After defeating the Aspects World Cleaver will fail and everyone can get back to the center island using the bouncing mushrooms - Kanaxai will now start to use the AoE move that Corrupted First Mate Dolus used

AoE Targeting - There will be AoE’s on each player with a number, plus a AoE under where Kanaxai starts this skill. Your team will need to spread out and try their best to not overlap this skill as it can down you pretty quick.
In between each AoE spin there will also be an dash at the next target so make sure you are out of the way of this dash
These mechanics will repeat until the end of the fight, keep up with the break bars and shutting down World Cleaver and you will have a high chance of success!

Cavalon's Champions
5 AP
Complete the Silent Surf fractal on the Master Tier (Tier 4)

Good Listener
1 AP
Listened To Captain Thess's Optional Dialogue In A Single Playthrough Of Silent Surf - Look For The Red Chat Icon Above Thess’s Head On Each Platform

Jade Sea Legs
3 AP
Completed the Silent Surf Fractal without Help from Captain Thess
Complete this Fractal without dying during the decent portion

Peace and Quiet
5 AP
Completed Silent Surf on the Master tier with No Deaths, No Black Powder Charges Used before the Final Encounter, and No Interactions with Captain Thess's Portals

The Fearless Few
6 AP
Completed the Silent Surf Fractal while Avoiding the Dread Visage Attack
This is the skill that has the large Eye icon above Kanaxi/Corrupted First Mate Dolus

5 AP
Defeated All Aspects Each Time the Final Boss Used World Cleaver

Grim Investigation
6 AP
Piece together the story of the Luxon sailors' final days
Collect all of the Texts around the Silent Surf Fractal


Manifest Weapons Collection

There is a collection of weapons you can get that require you to complete the Silent Surf Fractal to see a full list of those weapons click on the link below!
Manifest Weapons Guide

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